All orders shipped before 30th December 2024 will be paid by 15th January 2025.
All orders shipped before 17th January 2025 will be paid by 15th February 2025.
You will not be able to ship orders from 18th January 2025.
We pay our sellers on or around the 15th of every month for all orders that have been shipped during the month prior. Hardtofind's commission is calculated as a percentage of the value of a product, including the delivery charges applying to that product. We will transfer the payment into the bank account you have provided in your account settings. Please note: Only orders marked as 'shipped' by the above dates will be included in following payment.
Your invoice can be downloaded from the payment section of your store admin during the first week of each month (click on 'my store' - 'payments'). Our Seller Admin Portal will remain active until 14th February 2025.
Please ensure your details are up to date at all times.
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